100+ Bridal Shower Game Questions ( FREE Printables) (2024)

Looking for some cute bridal shower game questions? No problem! Below, we came up with 105 ideas for “how well do you know” types of games.

The “how well do you know each other” is super fun for a lesbian wedding shower where both brides are present, and all of the questions work perfectly for virtual bridal showers, too.

100+ Bridal Shower Game Questions ( FREE Printables) (1)

Keep reading to the end for some other fun games to play!

Don’t forget to check our Virtual and Printable Game Bundle too!

Bridal Shower Game Questions

There are so many games to play at a bridal party, be it trivia, guessing, or table games.

The main goal of having this kind of activity at the party is to entertain the guests, have fun, and make memories.

100+ Bridal Shower Game Questions ( FREE Printables) (3)

With that in mind, we have gathered an excellent question list for you to use for guessing games.

While we broke them up into categories below, a lot of the questions are interchangeable with other games. So, feel free to mix and match!

100+ Bridal Shower Game Questions ( FREE Printables) (4)

So, let’s check them out and see what fun questions you can use for various games.

We’ve also created some printables for each. We kept them super simple so that they don’t eat up all of your printer ink. Hey, that stuff is expensive, right?

100+ Bridal Shower Game Questions ( FREE Printables) (5)

1. How well do you know the bride? FREE PRINTABLE

Here’s a fun list to find out just how well everyone knows the guest (or guests) of honor.

If both brides are attending the shower rather than each having their own, assign half of the guests to one and the other half to the other.

  1. What is her favorite color?
  2. What is her first pet’s name?
  3. What is her favorite food?
  4. What is her dream job?
  5. What is her favorite coffee?
  6. What is her favorite ice cream flavor?
  7. What is her favorite movie?
  8. What is her favorite cosmetics line?
  9. What is her dream car?
  10. What is her favorite song?
  11. What is her favorite candy?
  12. What is her middle name?
  13. What is her pet peeve?
  14. What is her favorite dog breed?
  15. What is her favorite Disney movie?
  16. What is her favorite fast-food chain?
  17. What is her favorite sports team?
  18. What is her shoe size?
  19. What is her favorite clothing brand?
  20. What activity does she like to do on weekends?
  21. Who is her favorite singer?
  22. Who is her favorite actor/actress?
  23. Who is her favorite superhero?
  24. Who is her best friend?
  25. Who does she call first when she’s drunk?
  26. Does she like cats or dogs?
  27. How many languages does she speak?
  28. Which college did she go to?
  29. Where does she work?
  30. Is she a heel or sneakers person?

CHECK: Bridal Shower Game Ideas for Large Groups

2. How well do you know each other? FREE PRINTABLE

This is a fun game to play between the couple. It is very interesting to see their answers to the questions. Sometimes there can be tricky questions that will bring a lot of laughter to the audience.

Here a few question ideas for the couples to answer at a Bridal Shower Trivia.

  1. Who initiated the first kiss?
  2. Who is messier?
  3. Who is more likely to fall asleep during a movie night?
  4. Who has better taste in music?
  5. Who has better jokes?
  6. Who stays up late at night?
  7. Who is the most patient?
  8. Who is a sports fan?
  9. Who met the in-laws first?
  10. Who has a tattoo?
  11. Who makes the bed in the mornings?
  12. Who keeps her car cleaner?
  13. Who spends the most money?
  14. Who is more romantic?
  15. Who takes more space in the closet?
  16. Who said I love you first?
  17. Who is a better gift giver?
  18. Who is a better cook?
  19. Who is more adventurous?
  20. Who is grumpier in the mornings?
  21. Who apologizes first after a fight?
  22. Who takes longer to get ready?
  23. Who has more followers on Instagram?
  24. Who takes a longer shower?
  25. Who watches the most TV?

3. How well do you know the couple? FREE PRINTABLE

100+ Bridal Shower Game Questions ( FREE Printables) (8)

Another fun activity for the guests at bridal showers. They can answer the questions throughout the party, and then the host can read it out loud for the whole group.

The one who makes the most correct answers wins! Below are a few question ideas that can be helpful.

  1. Who will cry at the wedding?
  2. Who loves to hang out at home more?
  3. Who proposed?
  4. Who made the first move?
  5. Who is a better driver?
  6. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
  7. Who is always running late?
  8. Who is older?
  9. Who is more likely to get lost at the mall?
  10. Who is better at keeping secrets?
  11. Who had better grades at school?
  12. Who is more creative?
  13. Where did the couple meet?
  14. Where was their first date?
  15. Where was their first trip to?
  16. Where will their honeymoon be?
  17. What is the couple’s dream vacation?
  18. What is the perfect date of the couple?
  19. What is something that the couple has in common?
  20. What is their favorite type of food?
  21. What is their favorite restaurant?
  22. What is their favorite tv series to watch together?
  23. What is their pet’s name?
  24. How long do they know each other?
  25. Do they have pets?

4. Which guest said that? FREE PRINTABLE

If your guests know each other pretty well, this last batch makes for hilarious bridal shower games of “who said that?”. These questions are purposely a little “off the wall” to make it more challenging.

Have each guest write their own responses to every question. Then, collect them, shuffle them up, and grab one at random. Start reading the questions/answers out loud.

Keep reading until someone figures out which guest’s list you’re reading.

  1. Which three people would you want by your side in a zombie apocalypse?
  2. What celebrity took up the most wall space in your bedroom as a teenager?
  3. What is one super common thing have you never done?
  4. Which emoji do you use most on social media or your phone?
  5. If a genie granted you one magical power, which would you choose?
  6. Which decade would you visit if given a time machine?
  7. Would you rather live in the mountains or on the beach?
  8. Which TV family would you love to live with?
  9. What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?
  10. What’s at the very top of your bucket list?
  11. How many states have you visited?
  12. What weird food that most people find gross do you love?
  13. What common food that most people love do you find gross?
  14. If you had a $1million to give to one charity, which would you choose?
  15. If you were invisible for one day, what would you do?
  16. What book (or movie) changed your life?
  17. If you had to live in just one season year-round, what would it be?
  18. Who would play you in a movie version of your life?
  19. What would you name your autobiography?
  20. If you never had to work again, how would you spend your time?
  21. If you HAD to get a tattoo, what would it be?
  22. Which famous person would you love to have dinner with?
  23. What common (and non-offensive) word do you really dislike?
  24. What word is your all-time favorite?
  25. What is your best piece of advice for the couple?

5. Who Am I? (Couples Edition)

As promised, we’ll keep the fun going by sharing some of our other favorite games to play, starting with the riotously hilarious “Who Am I” game.

What you need: Sticky name tags and a list of famous couples.
How to play:
Before the party, write the names of the couples on the tags. One couple per name tag. Stick the tags on your guests’ backs as they arrive.

Throughout the party, they can ask yes or no questions to try to figure out which famous couple they are.

Extra tips. This is a great ice-breaker game, especially at parties where many of the guests don’t already know each other.

CHECK MORE: Zoom Bridal Shower Games

6. Couples Shower Shoe Game

The shoe game is one of my favorites that’s perfect for a couples’ shower.

What you need: Two different shoes for each half of the couple, a list of questions, something to act as a barrier so the couple can’t see each other, and someone to act as emcee.

How to play: An emcee asks questions. If the answer describes you, raise your shoe. If it describes your partner, raise their shoe.

The person with the most points by the end is the winner (and clearly the one who pays the most attention in the relationship!).

100+ Bridal Shower Game Questions ( FREE Printables) (11)

Extra tips: Keep the game to about 10-20 minutes. Too much longer than that and your guests will lose interest in watching.

Check out our detailed guide to the couple’s shoe shower game, along with a HUGE list of questions.

These are the most popular questions to have during a bridal shower, but you can always add your favorites. Make it funnier and spicier by adding your special questions that only the people in your group will know.

100+ Bridal Shower Game Questions ( FREE Printables) (12)

Also, check a related post 7 Entertaining Jack and Jill Wedding Shower Games for the Couples

Final Thought

Your bridal shower is a special occasion and you should make the most of it! Spice up traditional bridal shower games with your own personal bridal shower question game.

Ask questions about the bride and groom, as well as any fun memories or inside jokes that only your group of family and friends would know about. You can even challenge your bridal party to answer questions about each other!

This game will surely liven up the bridal shower, keeping your guests entertained and letting them form more lasting memories of this wonderful celebration!

Overall, having an entertaining activity at a bridal shower is the key to a successful party. And if you and your guests love trivia games, it will be double the fun.

100+ Bridal Shower Game Questions ( FREE Printables) (13)

What are your favorite bridal shower game questions? Share below!

100+ Bridal Shower Game Questions ( FREE Printables) (14)

Katie Anderton

I’m a freelance journalist/writer/content marketer with BA Hons in Journalism.

100+ Bridal Shower Game Questions ( FREE Printables) (2024)


How many games are enough for a bridal shower? ›

With an average battery life of three hours, a bridal shower typically has three games going on at once. If you're worried about making the wrong choices, talk to the bride-to-be and make your decision based on her input. Everything she says is fair game because this is her bridal shower.

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Label travel photos of the bride and groom with numbers to correspond with the numbers on the game sheet. Each of your guests will fill in their answer next to the number that corresponds with the number on the travel photos. The person with the most correct answers wins.

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Unique "How Well Do You Know the Bride?" Questions
  • What was the bride's first job?
  • What is her signature drink?
  • Which celebrity (dead or alive) would she invite to dinner?
  • What was her first car?
  • What would it be if she could eat one thing for the rest of her life?
  • What's her favorite hobby?
  • Is she a cat or dog person?
Nov 8, 2023

What are some good this or that questions? ›

Funny This or That Questions
  • Iced coffee on a snowy day or hot coffee in a heatwave?
  • Sandals or crocs?
  • Toe socks or toe rings?
  • Burping or farting?
  • Being sweaty in cold weather or sneezing in hot weather?
  • Bad haircut or bad dye job?
  • Pets who can talk or babies who can talk?
  • Mistaken lyrics or misquoted movies?
Aug 3, 2023

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According to Opperman, bridal shower gifts tend to be less expensive than wedding gifts. "Many people spend around $50 to $75, whereas closer friends and family may spend upwards of $100," she says.

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Paint & Sip is perfect for both bridal showers and bachelorette parties, as it's a super exciting way to spend time creatively and discover your inner Picasso. Plus, this activity will get guests mingling and having so much fun.

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The 21 questions game is exactly what it says on the tin, there are no gimmicks or weird rules, you just have to ask someone 21 questions. It's a great conversation starter with someone you're not close with, or equally a way to deepen an existing relationship, with questions you would never usually ask.

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Bridal shower apron memory game. Bridal Shower game... put household items on an apron, have the bride-to-be show it off, while guests try to remember as many items as they can. the most remembered gets a prize and bride gets all the stuff!

How do you play the bride toilet paper game? ›

Give each team four to six rolls of toilet paper and set the clock for 20 minutes. Start the timer and set the teams loose dressing their "bride" in their best toilet paper gown design. When the time is up, have a mini fashion show where each "bride" shows off her team's dress creation.

What's the bride thinking game? ›

"What was the Bride Thinking?" is a game that tests guests' knowledge of the lady of the hour! The bride chooses a wedding related word that starts with each of the letters of the alphabet, then guests try to match what she chose! The person with the most correct guesses is the winner!

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How do I play the He Said She Said baby shower game? To play the game, distribute a list of quotes and have guests guess whether each quote was said by the mom or dad. The person with the most correct guesses wins!

How do you play Who Am I bridal shower game? ›

PERFECT HANDY SIZE: 5 X 7 Inches the perfect size for just the right writing size. HOW TO PLAY: Have each guest to write down a memory they have with the bride. The memory cards are then read aloud, and the bride will try to guess which guest wrote the memory. If she is not able to guess it right, the guest wins!

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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