Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (2024)

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Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (1)


Rating: 5 stars


I add quite a lot of vanilla and my family loves it! Refreshing.

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (2)


Rating: 5 stars


Amazing flavor, tart, tangy, not too sweet. Like other reviewers, I had to halve this recipe to fit in my ice cream maker attachment to my Kitchen Aid stand mixer. I had all the ingredients except whole milk on hand, so I used our local dairy's low fat milk (2.5%) and after 3 hours in the freezer, it had a nice consistency, not as creamy as whole milk ice cream would be, but that flavor! I will make again with whole milk, this is definitely a keeper, and so easy!

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (3)


Rating: 5 stars


If I could give this recipe 6 stars I would. The ice cream was creamy, tart, sweet, and refreshing. It was an absolute hit at my "April Sours" themed Supper Club. Best of all, it was SO easy to prepare! The only issue I had is that the recipe as printed is too much for my Cuisinart countertop ice cream machine.

Rating: 5 stars


After reading all the glowing reviews for this ice cream I had to try it. I didn't have lemons but I had limes so I gave it a try.....WOW I totally agree this is the BEST and so EASY. I plan on making this (with lemons!) for a dinner party I am planning for next week. I am going to add the limoncello and use the ice cream to top a mixed berry cobbler. I also have a Cuisinart ice cream maker and had to cut the ingredients in half to try. This is definitely a keeper

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (5)


Rating: 5 stars


So refreshing! Delicious with fresh berries. And as if that wasn't enough, it is so simple to make! I cut the ingredients by half because my ice cream maker isn't big enough for the whole recipe.

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (6)


Rating: 5 stars


I made this account just to comment on this recipe. This ice cream is wonderful! I was skeptical at the name and the ingredients, but I tried it anyway based on the reviews. Wow! I am thrilled with the taste. As another reviewer said, you cannot taste the buttermilk - just a very tangy, slightly lemony, smooth ice cream. It tastes like it has twice the calories that it does. I just ate 1/2 cup by itself, and I can't wait to try it with berries or grilled peaches as others suggested.

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (7)


Rating: 5 stars


Weird ingredients, but fabulous , fresh taste..not too sweet, a little tart, almost like having frozen lemonade. You would never know buttermilk is in it. Love the ease of making it..no eggs, no cooking, all-in-one container. Definitely a keeper, very refreshing and great for a hot summer day.

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (8)


Rating: 5 stars


This is my first time reviewing a recipe online. That should speak volumes, as the Lemon Buttermilk Ice Cream is deserving of a rave review! I make a lot of rich vanilla ice cream or peach ice cream, but this has just the right amount of refreshing balance of zing and creaminess. Thanks for a staple!

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (9)


Rating: 5 stars


Outstanding! I knew I had a winner when my husband kept eating it and saying WOW with each bite!!!

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (10)


Rating: 5 stars


Surprisingly, the whole family loved this. It's really tart b/c of the buttermilk/citrus combo, but both my kids gobbled it up. I grilled a few peach halves & cut those up & threw them in when serving, which I really think added some sweetness to cut the tartness. Next time I will add some fresh mint leaves as well.

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (11)


Rating: 5 stars


This recipe was amazingly and surprisingly good. The combination didn't sound very appealing to me, but the other reviewers made me gamble on it. I'm glad I did. The buttermilk/lemon combination is very well balanced...very refreshing, and creamy despite being low fat. If you like tart and you're going to serve this with fresh ripe berries (which I strongly recommend) you might go a little lighter on the sugar. I spiked mine with limoncello to make it easy to scoop after refreeze.

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (12)


Rating: 5 stars


Easy, different, and very good. I used Meyer lemon juice as recommended by realfoodgirl.

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (13)


Rating: 5 stars


Delicious and refreshing. We serve this a lot during the summer at our BBQ's. We didn't change a thing. We love the combination of tart lemon flavor with the creamy buttermilk. DELICIOUS!,

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (14)


Rating: 5 stars


Even though I picked this recipe, I confess I wasn't that excited about it ahead of time. I like lemon just fine but it's usually not my 1st choice out of all the dessert flavors. This might very well be the best ice cream I've ever had, though. Ever. It was excellent. We will definitely make it again and again. We made 2 batches from this recipe, as another poster wrote.

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (15)


Rating: 5 stars


We made this entire menu for our 20th Anniversary and got raves for all the recipes. This ice cream is really good on its own, nice & creamy with just the right zing from the lemon. But we went over the top & added grilled peach halves that had been drizzled with honey & sprinkled with fresh basil. Yummy!!!

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (16)


Rating: 5 stars


Delicious!! We loved the tang of the buttermilk with the tart of the lemons...all rounded out with the sweetness from the sugar. Lemon desserts are the best on warm days. I paired it with some fresh frozen berries....Mmmmm......will definitely make again and again this summer!! FYI--I have the standard Cuisinart ice cream maker and this recipe made enough for two batches.

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (17)


Rating: 5 stars


My favorite ice cream-- EVER! Love it! So easy and so delicious. If you can find Meyer lemons I highly recommend them.

Lemon-Buttermilk Ice Cream Recipe (2024)


What happens if we add lemon in buttermilk? ›

Similar to milk, lemon juice can cause buttermilk and yogurt to curdle. If you want to combine these ingredients, it's better to do so gradually and with proper tempering.

Is it better to use lemon juice or vinegar for buttermilk? ›

This quick and easy buttermilk substitute is incredibly simple, and my hope is that you have what you need at home already. Here's what you need: Lemon juice OR vinegar. Fresh or bottled lemon juice OR distilled white vinegar will work equally well.

How to make ice cream at home 5 minutes? ›

Warning: Donʼt touch rock salt with your bare hands!
  1. Prepare. Pour the cream, sugar and vanilla into the small bag and zip it up tightly. Fill the large bag with ice. and pour in the salt. ...
  2. Shake. Shake the large bag for 5 minutes. It will be cold, so wrap a towel around it or wear some oven mitts!
  3. Enjoy!

What is the secret to making ice cream? ›

When it comes to great ice cream, cold temperatures and speed are your friends: the faster you bring your base from liquid to solid, the creamier it'll be. In a 2-quart unit, a typical batch of ice cream will take between 18 and 25 minutes to churn.

What not to mix with buttermilk? ›

Sour Fruits: Avoid consuming sour fruits, like citrus fruits, right before or after buttermilk, as the combination of acidity can lead to digestive discomfort for some people. 3. Alcohol: Combining buttermilk with alcohol may lead to indigestion or an upset stomach. It's best to avoid these two together.

What should you not mix with lemon? ›

#1 Milk and Dairy Products

The acid in lemon can destabilise the proteins in dairy, resulting in a lumpy texture. If you did not intend to make paneer, this phenomenon could be rather unpleasant. Also, consuming milk products and lemon together can trigger acidic reactions and cause severe heartburn and acidity.

How much lemon juice for 1 cup buttermilk? ›

1 cup buttermilk = 1 Tablespoon lemon juice + enough milk to measure 1 cup.

What happens if you use regular milk instead of buttermilk? ›

While the quantity of acid could be fine-tuned, the consistency of milk-based substitutions will be unavoidably thin. Compared to cultured buttermilk, plain milk is watery, making the dough so heavy and wet that it oozes into a puddle, turning the biscuits flat and dense.

Why do you need baking soda with buttermilk? ›

Baking with buttermilk

Quick breads and pancakes get a real lift from buttermilk. Not only does it deepen the flavor of your bake, but the acid in the buttermilk works with leaveners like baking soda to give it a fluffier interior crumb and more rise. However, it does not react the same way with baking powder.

How to make ice cream in the old days? ›

Ice cream at this time was made using the “ pot freezer” method,which involved placing a bowl of cream in a bucket of ice and salt (note: not mixing the ice and salt with cream as many believe). Subsequently, question is, how did they make ice in the old days?

What are the 3 most important ingredients of ice cream? ›

If you have ever made ice cream, you already know what goes into it, ingredients such as milk, cream, and sugar. But there is one main ingredient that you may not have thought about, probably because you can't see it—air.

What sugar is best for ice cream? ›

Most home ice cream recipes call for simple table sugar, which is chemically known as sucrose. But in pro kitchens you have more options. Liquid sugars like invert sugar, corn syrup, honey, and glucose syrup all add body, creaminess, and stability to ice cream, and a little goes a long way.

What thickens homemade ice cream? ›

Egg Yolks: The most traditional thickening agent, egg yolks contain natural proteins and fats that contribute to a rich and luxurious texture in custard-based ice creams. Cornstarch: Often used in non-custard ice creams, cornstarch mixed with milk helps thicken the base and create a smooth mouthfeel.

Can we eat lemon with buttermilk? ›

Mixing lemon with buttermilk or yoghurt will have the same consequences as milk with lemon. They not only ruin the taste but can cause acidity.

How do you add lemon to dairy without curdling? ›

Avoid Strong Acids

If your sauce or soup contains an acidic ingredient like wine, tomatoes, or lemon juice, the milk is more likely to curdle. To counteract the effect of the acid, you can use a starch along with the acid.

Does lemon curdle milk? ›

Acidic ingredients like lemon juice, vinegar, tomatoes, or even wine can cause your milk to curdle. Prevent this reaction by reducing your acids first before adding dairy. Remember this tip when making creamy adobo, tomato soup, or a citrusy cream-based pasta.

What happens if you add lemon to curd? ›

Adding lemon juice to curd/yogurt does not make it less healthy. In fact, it can actually improve the health benefits of yogurt. Lemon juice is a good source of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that can help to protect cells from damage. It can also help to boost the immune system and improve digestion.

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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.